
Raptor Island, the card game.

Created by Hayball Games

A 2-5 player action card game where players encounter dinosaurs to acquire their DNA, fuel the escape chopper and escape Raptor Island.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Happy New Year! 🦕 Art, Play Mats and Translations.
over 2 years ago – Mon, Jan 10, 2022 at 09:18:44 PM

Hey backers.

I hope you have all had a great holiday season and start to the new year. Over the holiday period, Allan has continued to work on the art and we are just finalising it all now. One of the pieces he has completed is the raptor that will most likely be the final image to go on the front cover of the box. Here is a mock up of how that will likely look!


We are talking with our backers and community members for translating Raptor Island from English into French, German and Spanish. We will be reaching out directly to those native French, German and Spanish backers who have already showed interest in helping with getting the translations perfect. Thanks again to those backers, keep an eye on your DM's.

Play Mats

We have said from the start it would be great to get the backers for the play mats to have a communal vote on their favourite art piece to go into print on the mat. We will be sending a Kickstarter survey out very soon, so keep an eye out for that if you're one of those backers. 

Unfortunately it seems it isn't the easiest thing to send out a poll to you, the backers, so we will be using the built in Kickstarter surveys. Don't worry about the accuracy of the address the survey makes you type in and, of course, any funds added in BackerKit won't show up here. This is just the simplest way for me to get your votes. Fulfilment will still all be handled in BackerKit. 

Here are the three mats you can vote on. 

There is also a fourth bonus version which needs a little bit of an explanation. We are aware that none of these three images actually contain a raptor. In Raptor Island we have the four unique Raptor cards. Each raptors art is in a portrait aspect ratio which means they don't work for play mats in this horizontal set up. 

Allan drew the below piece for fun one day and I thought it would look great on the mat. Provided there are enough votes he can do a version of this but with a raptor and not a rex. I think it looks very slick, but it is a different style so we will leave it up to the votes. 

BackerKit Surveys

You should have now answered your provided survey's questions and added your shipping amounts to your BackerKit account. If you have not yet filled your BackerKit survey out, there is still time. Check your emails for a link to the survey or contact us directly on here and we can help you out.  

The art is wrapping up! 🦖 Have a great Chritsmas if you celebrate and we will see you after the new year!
over 2 years ago – Mon, Nov 29, 2021 at 04:50:23 AM

Hey backers. 

With December and the holiday season round the corner I thought I'd give you a quick update on Raptor Island and show you some cool new pieces of art that Allan has been working on.  Allan has been working hard to get everything all wrapped up so we can get the product over to our manufacturer, fingers crossed, right at the end of the year so as January begins they can get printing. A note on our manufacturer, we chose to go close to home and have everything made in the UK where it is being distributed from. This is a tiny bit more expensive (less than you might think though) but much much much more risk free then getting it made in China, common practice in this industry, and the quality is just more realiable. There is also no two/three month wait trying to get a shipping container to take our game from China too, so we can get the game into your hands quicker.

In the last update we showed you the Triceratops but me and Allan wanted to change it up a bit and make it really dynamic and feel like the action of reducing the fuel in the stockpile (one of your objectives) has real impact in the art. We thought a menacing Triceratops, thrashing about and destroying some large fuel cans was cool in the last image shown, but we wanted to make its focus more at the players. I think you'll agree the card looks really dynamic and different, perfect for this card!

We actually really like the background for the old trike, however, and felt that it was actually the perfect backer for the dilophosaurus we showed off a few updates ago, check out how this ones coming along.

One last peice Ill talk about before I do an image dump is the Sabotage card. So when thinking about the art for this card Allan was really playing around with different perspectives for cards that aren't Dinosaur named, titled cards. When a card has a dino name as its card title we try and show the full dino in all its glory, but for the others we want to play around with invoking unique feelings. This card is really cool and is taking homage from Jurassic Park: The Lost World when Vince Vaughn's character lets the trike out of the enemy camp. It looks really colourful and when scaled down and printed on a small card, that eye really, really pops. Cool stuff

Here is some more in progress images for you guys to enjoy as it was a little wait for this update from the last. Enjoy and have a great holiday if you celebrate. 

Thanks a lot my friends,


French version will now be available 🦕 Thanks for your patience.
over 2 years ago – Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 11:19:06 AM

Hello Backers, but mainly the communities who would like a version of Raptor Island in French.

By now most of you should have noticed that the BackerKit surveys have gone out and an invite is in your emails. Once your taken through to BackerKit their is a small survey to collect vital information on your order. On the survey the only languages available to choose where English, German and Spanish. This was due to the small demand for a French version not justifying a print run. 

I am pleased to say that after some negotiation with the printers we CAN now fulfill a French version!

If you have already filled out your BackerKit survey you should be able to log back into your profile over at BackerKit and change your answer to French if you wish. If you are unable to change this answer for any reason, express you would like a French version In the notes and I will pick that up no problem.

Thanks for your patience to those French backers and I'm really happy to be able to bring you the best version of Raptor Island for your needs. 


Surveys will be sent really soon! 🦖 Look out for your invite to BackerKit!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 01:31:59 PM

Hello Backers!

Firstly, hope everyone is having a great week so far. We have received your funds from Kickstarter and production is in full swing.


Keep an eye out for your email that will invite you to join the Raptor Island BackerKit page. What is BackerKit? BackerKit is a 3rd party business that will help with 'Backer' <---> 'Creator' communication POST Kickstarter campaign. This platform will allow me to send you guys surveys about your purchase that will ask you for delivery details, what size t-shirt you want if you ordered one, what language you would like your copy of Raptor Island in, what artwork you think should be the final design for the mat when we get all the art etc. It will also allow us to charge you shipping much closer to our estimated fulfilment date (March, 2022) which allows for a more accurate charge that isn't subject to fluctuating shipping costs. 

On the topic of languages, so far its looking like the versions which have enough demand to justify a full print run are English, German and Spanish. Please get in touch if you want another language otherwise you might miss out. There is some interest in a French version but not enough to justify a full print run yet. French friends, let yourself be known!

Thanks again for your time, here is a preview of the Triceratops card in Raptor Island. The card will remove a Fuel card from the Fuel Stockpile. 

 Thanks again, Dan.

We did it! 🦕 Raptor Island is a success.
over 2 years ago – Fri, Oct 01, 2021 at 03:33:11 AM

Thank you to all those backers that backed Raptor Island! We are so gratful for your support from both followers of Raptor Island through platforms like our Instagram, people we met at UKGE and also the Kickstarter community who just simply love to discover great projects on this platform. 

Quick update on localisation and different languages. The manufacturer is being super cool about printing extra, smaller print runs in different languages. It looks like German and Spanish versions are extremely likely to happen! If anyone would like any other versions a survey will go out soon asking who wants which copy. Keep an eye out for that email that will link to that survey. It looks like I may have a competent native German with good credentials (Mawinger) for that translation but if anyone is a native Spanish speaker and has a bit of time, wants to earn a small bit of money and get involved in some fun dino action then let yourself be known in my profile's messages. 

The next step is art, art, art! Allan is hard at work on all the new art so there will be more to show in the coming weeks and months. When all the art is done, those backers of the playmat will be sent a survey to vote on their favourite piece to be made into the mat. Check out how the dilophosaurus is coming along:

For those interested in shipping and when that gets charged, essentially closer to the time of fulfilment we will send you out a link to a website called BackerKit which is a platform designed exactly for collecting shipping. We do this closer to the time of fulfilment as shipping rates can fluctuate slightly over time. This is probably for the best as right now the world shipping is quite up in the air, due to covid and brexit etc, and this might give the logistics industry time to settle a little bit. Shipping will be handled by ShipQuest who are experts in delivering Kickstarter projects to people so it's in great hands. 

Thanks again for everyone's support and thank you for checking out this fun little dinosaur action game!
